You like to shift up a gear when hiking. Lightweight and compact equipment is a must. The Lithium 20 is made mainly from recycled materials and the durable water-repellent treatment is PFC-free. The very lightweight and breathable shoulder padding makes it feel very comfortable to carry. Air channels in the 3D EVA foam provide good ventilation.
The padded hip belt has a fold-out pocket for your smartphone. If you don¡¯t need it, you can simply remove it. The same applies to the integrated rain cover. The backpack is compatible with hydration systems. The mesh side pockets allow access even when walking. With the Lithium 20, you¡¯re traveling in the fast lane in the mountains.
bluesign PRODUCT
The bluesign SYSTEM is a solution for sustainable textile production that eliminates the use of harmful substances. bluesign PRODUCTS guarantee a responsible use of resources with a minimum impact on people and the environment.
PFC-free DWR
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are often used for waterproofing but are practically non-biodegradable. Mammut is committed to replacing non-biodegradable fabric treatments with more sustainable high-performance alternatives.
Fair Wear
Fair Wear works to ensure fair and safe working conditions in garment factories. The non-profit engages directly with factories, trade unions, NGOs and governments to protect workers¡¯ rights.
This product contains recycled materials with uncompromised performance and functionality. Choosing recycled materials reduces the use of virgin resources and helps promote a more circular economy.
100% Polyamide
Integrated, detachable rain cover
Made from over 89% recycled materials
Trekking pole carrier
Fold-out cellphone pocket on the hip belt
Detachable, padded hip belt
Zip pocket with key pocket
Large front zipper pocket
Hydration system-compatible
2 mesh side pockets
Zipper pocket on hip belt
main zipper compartment
Forward-pull hip belt adjustment
Super-lightweight, highly breathable EVA shoulder padding
Good back ventilation thanks to 3D EVA foam with air channels
Lateral compression straps