The outline, very distinctive and unforgettable, big square nose and half moon tail, max. width of 312mm, 258mm waist and 1540mm long. Also featuring a new camber system, a new bottom system and an extremely frictionless rocker shape. Feeling the surface of the snow underfoot, once on a 3D terrain, the Mantaray swims on the snow as a fish does in the ocean. Let the nose sink for a bit, then use the whole base surface to ollie out from the Pow. Lock the tail in while sliding the board sideways, and drop the nose into the fall line. Stretch out your ankles and grind the lip. It will move in any direction you want it to. This board focuses more on the sensory speed rather than the actual speed.
Skaters says: 'When the half moon tail wrenches on the lip, you could almost hear the creak of the trucks!', surfers would say: 'The loose sliding feels like a twin or a quad fin'. The Mantaray has heavily influenced snowboard design throughout the world since it was born in 2003. It is a design masterpiece that hasn¡¯t seen any changes through all those years. From tight trees to small banks on the edge of the course, nothing slips through the range of the Mantaray. Guaranteed to be hooked once you try this board!
This profile is similar to the conventional camber, however has been refined in order to minimize edge-catching. The camber's peak remains around the center of the effective edge, however both ends finish before the widest points to smoothly connect to the nose/tail rockers. It provides the benefits of a cambered profile and eliminates the disadvantages of it. Combining this profile with a relatively low camber height, results in a smooth turning adaptability unlike any other conventional cambered boards.
Minimizes edge-catching
Benefits of a cambered profile and eliminates the disadvantages
Relatively low camber height
Smooth turning adaptability