No one can let by the distinctive and unforgettable outline with the big square nose and the half moon tail. The Giant Mantaray is the scaled up version of the masterpiece of snowboard design, the original Mantaray, to fit the needs of bigger body or boots size riders. Inheriting the ultimate friction-alleviating rocker line of the original Mantaray, it promises a loose riding feel once submerged in a three-dimensional terrain.
This profile is similar to the conventional camber, however has been refined in order to minimize edge-catching. The camber's peak remains around the center of the effective edge, however both ends finish before the widest points to smoothly connect to the nose/tail rockers. It provides the benefits of a cambered profile and eliminates the disadvantages of it. Combining this profile with a relatively low camber height, results in a smooth turning adaptability unlike any other conventional cambered boards.
Distinctive and unforgettable outline
Big square nose and half moon tail
Ultimate friction-alleviating rocker line
Loose riding feel once submerged in a three-dimensional terrain
Refined camber to minimize edge-catching
Benefits of a cambered profile and eliminates the disadvantages